Results for "Horne, Margaret"
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Horne, Margaret

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QualificationQualification ScopeAchievedExpiryStatusVerified
Pool Lifeguard Practicing Certificate The minimum standard to be operating as a Pool Lifeguard within an aquatics facility's safety management plan. more 2011-10-1818-10-2011 2013-10-1818-10-2013 Expired registration is verified
Bushwalking Leader Able to plan, organise and lead introductory bushwalking day trips The Leader Level is the entry-level qualification for people leading, or intending to lead, outdoor recreation activities for people at an introductory or beginner level, where the emphasis is on participation in low-technical, low-risk environments rather than developing skills. People who hold this qualification are expected to operate within an organisation's safety management system. Bush Walking Leader is limited to day trips on formed and marked tracks that are in open or bush terrain. The trip may extend to the bushline, or short distance beyond in favourable conditions. River crossings are restricted to minor streams that offer little or no risk and are generally slow moving and no more than ankle deep. more 2011-08-3030-08-2011 2014-08-3030-08-2014 Expired registration is verified
Bush Instructor  Able to instruct the skills for multi-day bushwalking trips on clearly marked tracks and routes. This qualification recognises the skills of a highly qualified and competent instructor in the outdoors in speciality areas. The holder of this qualification is able to provide the overall instruction and management (which includes planning, navigation, recognition of weather conditions, administering first aid and communication skills) of an outdoor activity and is also able to provide instruction in their chosen area. Bush instructors organise and lead others in 2-3 day overnight trips, either on tracks or within easy access of recognised tracks or routes below the bush-line, or on tracks above the bush-line where snow is not normally encountered. Groups would normally be using tents or huts. more 2015-08-0101-08-2015 2018-08-0101-08-2018 Expired registration is verified