Results for "Fry, Sydonny"
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Fry, Sydonny

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QualificationQualification ScopeAchievedExpiryStatusVerified
Pool Lifeguard Practicing Certificate The minimum standard to be operating as a Pool Lifeguard within an aquatics facility's safety management plan. more 2020-11-0202-11-2020 2022-11-0202-11-2022 Expired registration is verified
Mountain Biking Leader Able to plan, prepare, lead and evaluate mountain bike activities in 'front country' terrain on Grade 2 trails. The Leader Level is the entry-level qualification for people leading, or intending to lead, outdoor recreation activities for people at an introductory or beginner level, where the emphasis is on participation in low-technical, low-risk environments rather than developing skills. People who hold this qualification are expected to operate within an organisation's safety management system. Mountain Biking Leader is limited to trails up to and including Grade 3, which are easily accessible and emergency services could be available within one hour by road/bike/foot. more 2023-04-0101-04-2023 2026-04-0101-04-2026 Current registration is verified