Results for "Daymond, Courtney"
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Daymond, Courtney

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QualificationQualification ScopeAchievedExpiryStatusVerified
Pool Lifeguard Practicing Certificate The minimum standard to be operating as a Pool Lifeguard within an aquatics facility's safety management plan. more 2010-02-2121-02-2010 2012-02-2121-02-2012 Expired registration is verified
NZC in Avalanche Risk Management L6 Practitioner (NZ Avalanche Stage Two) Individuals with this qualification can evaluate and manage avalanche risk to people and infrastructure while operating in dynamic outdoor contexts. They are able to undertake supervisory roles and have responsibility for other team members within an avalanche risk management programme. They can classify and evaluate potential avalanche hazards by analysing snowpack, weather, terrain and avalanche occurrence data to manage these hazards within specific scale applications. Can mitigate personal and group risk through making justified risk-based decisions while operating in avalanche terrain. Can apply advanced search and rescue skills and leadership skills to small party rescues and within large scale organised rescues in alpine environments. more 2014-11-0101-11-2014 2017-11-0101-11-2017 Expired registration is verified