Results for "Lane, Emma (Emma)"
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Lane, Emma (Emma)

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QualificationQualification ScopeAchievedExpiryStatusVerified
Swim Teacher Swim instructors / teachers, working in an aquatics environment under an organisation's safety management system, to deliver a consistent safe and effective swim education lesson. more 2015-09-0101-09-2015 2018-09-0101-09-2018 Expired registration is verified
Kayak Leader The Leader Level is the entry-level qualification for people leading, or intending to lead, outdoor recreation activities for people at an introductory or beginner level, where the emphasis is on participation in low-technical, low-risk environments rather than developing skills. People who hold this qualification are expected to operate within an organisation's safety management system. The Kayak Leader is able to supervise kayaking experiences on flat and sheltered water environments, taking into account the characteristics of the group of participants, expected weather conditions, and equipment. Scope is limited to sheltered bays on lakes, harbours and slack sections of rivers with low risks. Emergency services are easily accessible. more 2018-07-1111-07-2018 2021-07-1111-07-2021 Expired registration is verified